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How To: Set up NationBuilder Payments

Our integrated payment processing takes only a few minutes to set up and allows you to process donations using the Donation (v2) pages.

Updated over 2 months ago

📌 Note: NationBuilder Payments rates differ per plan. For more information on plan types, visit the Contacts and billing section in your nation.

NationBuilder payments now supports USD, AUD, CAD, GBP, EUR, and NZD! Follow this guide if you intend to collect donations in one of those 6 currencies. If you want to collect donations in any of our 13 other accepted currencies, follow our How to: Connect your NationBuilder Payments Account guide.

Processing rates

The processing rate depends on your plan, country and whether or not you qualify for our non-profit pricing (US and Canada only). You can find all our rates here.

It only takes a few minutes to set up and allows you to process donations using Donation (v2) pages.

Initial setup

To complete the initial setup process, you will need:

  • An email address to identify the account.

  • A mobile phone number for authentication purposes when changes are made to the account.

  • Your legal name and date of birth.

  • The name of your entity.

  • Credentials for a payout destination (routing number/account number for a US/Canadian bank account or card number for a US debit card).

To begin, navigate to Settings > Payment processors > New processor.

1. Click the Set up a new account button under Payment processing with NationBuilder. 

You will land on an account activation screen powered by Stripe, our payment service provider. From there, you will select the country where you or your business operates. You must provide an email address and mobile phone number to proceed.

2. Click the Continue button. You will be prompted to enter a 6-digit code sent to the mobile number to confirm ownership of the account.

If you provide an email address associated with an existing payment processor account set up through NationBuilder, your existing details will be pre-filled. Any modifications to these details will update the the details of that account in all nations where that account is connected.

The email address used to set up payment processing with NationBuilder should be unique per nation unless you intend to deposit funds from multiple NationBuilder accounts into the same bank account.

If you provide an email address associated with a payment processing account you set up through NationBuilder, you will be able to create one additional payment processor with the same email. However, only one processor can be in live mode. If your existing processor is in testing mode, the second processor will be created in live mode and vice versa. You may use the same NationBuilder payment processing account across nations.

3. Next, provide your information and a website URL for your business. As your payment volume increases, Stripe may use this and additional information it gathers from you via automated text messages to verify your business. 

📌 Note: You may see different fields depending on which country you selected. If you have a US bank account, you will be asked to input your Employer Identification Number (EIN). If you are outside of the US, you'll be asked for your Business Number.

4. Choose how you wish to receive donations. If you select “Debit card,” you will need to provide the card number and an expiration date.

If you select “Bank account,” you will need to provide the routing number and account number for your bank account.

📌 Note: Non-US customers, typically you'll choose the currency that matches the currency set for your NationBuilder account (Settings > Basics > Currency). If you select payout in US dollars, you may be subject to currency conversion fees, as we process based on the currency set in your Nation.

To return to NationBuilder, click the Create Account or Connect Existing Account button.

Managing payment processor settings

  • You can set a Name and Statement Descriptor for your payment processing account. The Name is how you will identify this payment processor within your NationBuilder account and the Statement Descriptor is the name that will be displayed to your donors on their credit card statement.

  • If this is your first time creating a NationBuilder payment processor in your nation, it will be added in live mode. If you already have a live version of this payment processor in your nation, it will be added in testing mode. You can have up to one of each in your nation.

  • Choose how donors will interact with your donation page. First, decide whether the donations are tax deductible. This status will appear on the donation page and on donation receipts.

  • You may require a donor’s employer/occupation information, the employer’s full address, or just the employer’s city and state. If you require the employer’s full address, an unemployed donor will still have to provide at least a valid zip code in this field. You may also include corporate contribution fields. If you are a political campaign, check your local and Federal regulations to see if you are required to collect this information. Activate any setting by checking the appropriate box.

  • If your organization requires a disclaimer or contribution rules on donate pages, enter that copy in the "Contribution rules" text box. This includes specific disclaimers mandated by campaign finance law. Donors will have to check a box accepting these statements before submitting a donation.

  • Once you’re done filling out the form, make sure you click the Save account button. A donation (v2) page that is connected to this payment processor will pull from these fields.

Apply for nonprofit rates (US/Canada only)

We currently offer discounted payment processing rates to eligible tax-exempt, charitable and social service organizations.

Once you’ve set up your payment processor, you can visit the Settings page to apply for the discounted pricing. 

1. Click on Apply for a nonprofit rate in the blue information box.

2. If you have a US bank account, a pop up will appear asking you to input your Employer Identification Number (EIN) so we can process your application. If you have a Canadian bank account, a pop up will appear asking you to input your Registration Number so we can process your application. If you aren’t registered as a charity with the Canada Revenue Agency, simply provide your Business Number instead.

3. Click Submit application.

The pop up will disappear and you will see that it now says, “Your Nonprofit rate application is pending.” under Name. Note, you can edit the application at any time by clicking Edit application.

NationBuilder Support will review your application and send you an email once your application is approved. If additional verification information is required, you will receive an email with instructions on how to proceed.

Updating account information

To update any details you provided during initial setup, click the pencil button next to your payment processor under Settings > Payment processors and click on the Manage Account menu. You will be directed to Stripe’s dashboard.

If you make changes, you will be prompted to enter a 6-digit code sent to the same mobile number you provided during initial setup to confirm those changes.

Deleting your account

To delete your payment processing account, click the pencil button next to your payment processor under Settings > Payment processors and click on the Delete account button.

⚠️ Use this carefully, as it will stop all recurring donations associated with the account, prevent refunds of past payments, and prevent you from accessing its transaction data.

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