📌 Note: Features are available in our Political bundle. For more information on adding new features please see the add-ons page in your nation.
NationBuilder regularly adds country or province-specific parties when there is a user base to support that. If you have enabled voter specific features, the political parties you see in profiles are determined by the country listed in Settings > Contact and by the state or province listed in Settings > Political > Office.
When importing voters, you can use the one-letter code or full name for the voter's political party.
When importing vote history, political party is only included if the ballot received was unique to a particular political party. For example, in many U.S. primary elections, voters can receive either a Republican ballot, a Democratic ballot, or an Independent ballot. During a vote history import, the entire name of the political party must be imported - spelled exactly as it appears below.
Current regional parties supported:
United States
A: American Independent
B: Justice for All
C: Constitution
D: Democrat
G: Green
I: Independent
J: Justice
L: Libertarian
M: We the People
N: Alliance
P: Peace and Freedom
E: Reform
R: Republican
S: Socialist
U: Undeclared
W: Working Families
O: Other
New York state, U.S.
Must type "NY" as the state in Settings > Political > Office to see these options.
A: American Independent
C: Conservative
D: Democrat
E: Reform
F: Right to Life
G: Green
I: Independent
J: Justice
L: Libertarian
P: Peace and Freedom
R: Republican
U: Undeclared
W: Working Families
O: Other
Rhode Island, U.S.
Must type "RI" as the state in Settings > Political > Office to see these options.
A: American Independent
C: Constitutional
D: Democrat
E: Reform
G: Green
I: Independent
J: Justice
L: Libertarian
M: Moderate
P: Peace and Freedom
R: Republican
U: Undeclared
W: Working Families
O: Other
A: Liberal Democrats
B: Liberal
D: Democrat
E: One Nation
F: Family First
G: Green
I: New Liberals
J: Animal Justice Party
K: Katter
L: Labor
M: Independents for Climate Action Now
N: National
P: Pirate
R: Australian Progressives
S: Socialists
T: Nick Xenophon Team
W: Drug Law Reform
X: Sex
Y: Christian Democratic Party
Z: Liberal National Party of Queensland
O: Other
C: Conservative
D: New Democratic
G: Green
K: Christian Heritage Party of Canada
L: Liberal
Q: Bloc Québécois
O: Other
Alberta, Canada
Must type "AB" as the province in Settings > Political > Office to see these options.
A: Alberta
C: Communist
D: New Democratic
E: Evergreen
F: Pro-Life
G: Green
I: Independence
L: Liberal
N: Separation
P: Progressive Conservative
Q: Bloc Québécois
R: Reform
S: Social Credit
T: Advantage
V: Conservative
W: Wildrose Party
O: Other
Great Britain
A: Alliance
B: British National
C: Conservative
D: Liberal Democrats
F: Sinn Féin
G: Green
H: Change UK
I: UK Independent
L: Labour
N: Ulster Unionist
P: Plaid Cymru
T: Social Democratic
U: Democratic Unionist
X: Reform Party
O: Other
*note that French law requires a person's explicit consent to store their political party information. In light of this, we will not be updating this list of parties after 2018 and recommend a combination of Consents and either Tags or Custom Fields.
A: Autre (O)
B: Debout la République (DLR)
C: Front national (FN)
D: Union des démocrates et indépendants (UDI)
E: Les Verts (EELV)
F: Front de gauche (FG)
G: Guadeloupe unie (GUSR)
H: Mouvement pour la France (MPF)
I: Mouvement pour la Réunion (MPLR)
J: Mouvement républicain et citoyen (MRC)
K: Divers droite (DVD)
L: Ligue du sud (LDS)
M: Mouvement démocrate (MoDem)
N: Nouvelle Donne (ND)
O: Parti chrétien-démocrate (PCD)
P: Les Républicains (LR)
Q: Extrême gauche (EXG)
R: Parti progressiste martiniquais (PPM)
S: Parti sociliste (PS)
T: Parti radical de gauche (PRG)
U: Extrême droite (EXD)
V: Rassemblement démocratique martiniquais (RDM)
W: Union démocratique bretonne (UDB)
X: Parti de Gauche (PG)
Y: Divers (DIV)
Z: Parti Communiste Français (PCF)
A: FORD-Asili
C: NARC-Kenya
E: FORD-People
H: Shirikisho Party of Kenya
I: Sisi Kwa Sisi
M: Mazingira Green Party of Kenya
R: FORD-Kenya
S: Safina
Y: ODM-Kenya
O: Other
New Zealand
A: Alliance
C: Conservative
D: Democratic
E: Legalise Cannabis
F: New Zealand First
G: Green
L: Labour
M: Māori
N: National
O: Focus
S: Mana
U: United Future
Please talk to your community strategist if you don't see these options and would like them.
C: Conservative
D: Liberal Democrats
G: Green
I: Independent
L: Labour
O: Other
A: Alternative Left
C: Christian Democratic People's Party
D: Conservative Democratic Party
E: Evangelical People's Party
F: FDP.The Liberals
G: Green Party
H: Christian Social Party
L: Party of Labour
P: Swiss People's Party
R: Green Liberal Party
S: Social Democratic Party
T: Ticino League
U: Federal Democratic Union
V: Geneva Citizens' Movement
The Philippines
P: Philippine Democratic Party-People's Power
N: Nationalist Party
C: Nationalist People's Coalition
D: Power-Christian Muslim Democrats
L: Liberal Party