IMPORTANT: This article is out of date for most customers, as Twitter integration with broadcasters is no longer supported. If you need to delete legacy Twitter followers from your nation, you can still follow the instructions below to do so.
Delete Twitter profiles from your people database
1. Create a filter of Twitter profiles.
If you've just started to use your nation and you know for certain that no one has logged into your nation with their Twitter account or could otherwise have a Twitter account connected to their profile, you can simply target people who have Twitter info. Click Add criteria, then begin typing "Twitter" into the search bar and select Has Twitter info as the criteria.
Next, click the Filter button and you'll see all of the profiles connected with a Twitter account.
If you are already engaging some of your Twitter followers through other modes of communication - perhaps email or postal mail, then you'll want to target Twitter followers who don't have email addresses and mailable addresses. That filter looks like this:
Once you've added the criteria to the filter, click the Filter button to find the people matching the criteria.
3. Go to the list and delete the people on the list from your nation.
Change broadcaster's Twitter settings
A Twitter account connected to a Broadcaster is an official voice of your nation. You can adjust how your nation interacts with a broadcaster's Twitter account.
1. Go to Communication > [Broadcaster name] > Settings > Twitter.
2. Uncheck the boxes next to:
Automatically import followers
Automatically import anyone who has mentioned you
Automatically import anyone who has retweeted you
3. Click the Save Twitter settings button to save your changes.