📌 Note: Phone numbers are available as add-ons. For more information on adding new features please see the add-ons page in your nation.
Where to start
We suggest creating separate broadcasters for different types of communication. For example, a nonprofit might have one broadcaster for the organization overall, another for the executive director, and another for the volunteer coordinator. You can then attach an email address, a Twitter account, a Facebook page, or any combination of these, to each broadcaster.
You can set up broadcasters that can be used by any control panel user in your nation, or just users with a specific custom permission set. You can also set up a broadcaster to be exclusively accessible to a single user on your account.
All things related to communication live under the Communication tab.
Add a new broadcaster
To add a new broadcaster, go to Communication > View all broadcasters and then click + New broadcaster.
You can configure a broadcaster for the following forms of communication:
Depending on your plan type, you will have access to a virtual phone number for receiving voicemails. You can also enable text messaging and blasting.
In the Communication dropdown menu, broadcasters are displayed by importance. Importance of a broadcaster is determined by the number and recency of email and text blasts sent. So, they it will show broadcasters that are assigned to you (i.e. ones that only you can send from) and/or have permission to view, sorted by importance.
The menu will display a maximum of 5 broadcasters, but clicking View all broadcasters will allow you to access all of your broadcasters.
Merge a broadcaster
If someone leaves your organization we recommend keeping their broadcaster so that you will have a historical record of all of their emails and communication in your nation. You can adjust the broadcaster settings so that only Admins or one specific person can send, and change the name to be very clear not to use it to avoid anyone accidentally sending an email from that broadcaster.
Another option is to merge the broadcaster into another. You might have a broadcaster that's called 'Former employee' where you merge all former employee broadcasters. That way all communication will be saved.
Delete a broadcaster
📌 Note: You cannot delete a broadcaster that has sent email blasts. You will need to either merge it into another or make it clear that it should not be used per the instructions above.
If you delete a broadcaster you will lose all emails, text blasts, and activity. You will be asked to confirm by typing the name of the broadcaster in the warning popup box (for example 'Candidate' below).