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Create, edit, or delete a permission set

Permission sets are used to grant customized access to the information your control panel users can access.

Updated over a week ago

📌 Note: Multiple permission sets are available as add-ons. For more information on adding new features please see the add-ons page in your nation.

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Permission definitions

At Settings > Defaults > Permission sets, you can edit or create permission sets. Below are explanations of how each permission expands / limits access to the control panel. When a bold permission is set to no (or none), the permissions within that section cannot be accessed by that permission set. 

People: Everyone

The ability to see and interact with every profile in the People section.

People: Assigned

The ability to see and interact only with profiles assigned to you in the People section. 

If the control panel user’s access to the People section is limited to profiles assigned to them, path movement will change to which profiles the control panel user sees. Here is how assignments work for users with limited visibility of the People section:

  • Control panel user is assigned to a path step. They are responsible for ensuring the step is completed. If a control panel user is only assigned to a single step, once the step is completed, the control panel user loses access to the profile.

  • Control panel user is assigned to a path. They are responsible for ensuring the path is completed. Once the path ends, the control panel user loses access to the profile.

  • Control panel user is assigned as the profile’s point person. They are responsible for the overall relationship with that person / organization. Path movement does not affect a point person’s access to a profile.

Control panel users with the People: Assigned permission still have access to all of the functionality under People > More.

People: None

The People section is not displayed when the user opens the control panel.

  • Import: The ability to import people. This creates new profiles in the database and can edit existing profiles.

  • Export: The ability to export people from your nation. This includes exporting lists and filters. Begin an export or access exported files from People > More > Export.

  • Batch update: The ability to batch update profiles, changing attributes on a mass scale.

  • Delete: The ability to delete people from the database.

  • Download walk and call sheets: The ability to download printable walk and call sheets from a list.

  • Manage party: The ability to edit the "party member" field in a person's profile.

  • Manage memberships: The ability to add or edit memberships within a person's profile.

  • Manage control panel users: The ability to add a control panel user with the same permission set, add a control panel user with a different permission set, and edit control panel user profiles. Does not include the ability to reset a control panel user's password from within a profile.

  • Manage groups (available on Enterprise and Network plans): The ability to create groups and update which control panel users are members within them.

  • Manage paths: The ability to add, edit, or delete global path settings. This includes path name, default completion date, value, and assigned control panel user. It also includes all aspects of path steps and reasons for abandonment / completion. Note that anyone who can access a profile can interact with the paths a person is on.

Website: The ability to see and interact with the Website section.

  • Create and edit pages: The ability to create and edit new website pages. Includes the ability to edit pages for which you are the author. Does not include the ability to publish pages or edit pages written by control panel users.

  • Publish pages: The ability to publish new website pages. With this permission and the "create and edit pages" permission, you can edit pages written by control panel users.

  • Manage site settings: The ability to manage site settings. This includes site name, logo, and footer information. Also includes global settings around search visibility, showing public profiles, and having email / text message opt-in checkboxes default to checked.

  • Manage themes: The ability to manage website themes, including selecting a theme, editing a custom theme, and publishing changes.

Communications: The ability to see and interact with the Communications section.

  • Create and edit blasts: The ability to create and edit email blasts and text message blasts from broadcasters. Does not include the ability to send blasts. - Note if someone only has this permission and no 'people' permissions they will not be able to see the recipients view of the email.

  • Send blast: The ability to schedule and send existing email blasts and text blasts from broadcasters. Does not include the ability to create or edit blasts.

  • Manage broadcaster: The ability to interact with a broadcaster. If a permission set does not have this permission, it will not be able to use the other Communications permissions. Access to a particular broadcaster can be limited to a single control panel user or permission set in the broadcaster's basic settings.

  • Manage email themes: The ability to manage email themes, including creating, editing, and publishing a custom theme.

Workflows: The ability to see and interact with the Workflows section [beta].

By default, Workflows and automations are only accessible to top-level Admins. You can selectively enable the following related features for other users:

  • Create new automations: The ability to create a new automated workflow

  • Edit existing automations: The ability to edit an automation that another user has created — add new steps to the workflow, edit automated emails' content, etc. 

  • Run or resume automations: The ability to actually set an automation live, which will currently send the first email in the series, and schedule the remaining emails

  • Pause automations: The ability to put an active automation on hold, thus preventing scheduled workflow actions (e.g. emails) from happening

Finances: The ability to see and interact with the Finances section.

If you want a user to export financial data, both the "Finances" and "Export" (under "People") permissions must be enabled. We require you to turn on the "Export" permission as an export of financial transactions includes a large amount of personal data.

Settings: The ability to see and interact with the Settings section.

  • Billing and addons: The ability to see and manage the nation's billing information. This includes editing credit card information, downloading invoices, updating the nation owner, and enabling features. Also includes the ability to pause or shut down the nation.

  • Add control panel users: The ability to add new control panel users who have the same permission set. Does not include adding control panel users with a different permission set, accessing control panel user profiles, or resetting control panel user passwords.

  • Manage permission sets: The ability to create and edit permission sets. This includes viewing the details of existing permission sets.

  • Manage authentication modes: This ability is only available for nations on Enterprise or above that integrated single sign-on (SSO). Once enabled, all authorization providers can be managed in Settings > Auth.

  • Manage supporter portal: The ability to enable and update settings pertaining to your nation's supporter portal, which donors and members can log into to self-serve changes to their recurring payments.

API: The ability to see and interact with Settings > Apps and Settings > Developer. This includes the ability to develop applications, access test tokens, install and uninstall apps. A permission set that does not have access to the Settings section will not be able to use the functionality of this permission.

  • Sign into apps: The ability to sign into a third-party app. You must have the API permission to have this permission.

Admin permission set

The admin permission set is fixed and cannot be edited. A nation admin has unrestricted access to every aspect of the nation. Any limitations placed on visibility do not apply to admins. In addition to all of the permissions listed above, an admin has the following abilities:

  1. Remove people from the database.

  2. View broadcasters and lists with limited visibility.

  3. Add a custom domain.

  4. Share a website.

  5. Share a theme.

  6. Reset a control panel user's password.

  7. Download a snapshot.

How to create a new permission set

New nations are created with two permission sets: admin and staffer. The nation owner is given admin permission.

The staffer permission set is created without access to the Settings section of the nation. It also cannot manage control panel users. You can edit the staffer permission set by toggling the options displayed at Settings > Defaults > Permission sets. Changes made on this page take affect immediately.

To create a new custom permission set:

Go to Settings > Defaults > Permission sets > New permission set.

1. Name the permission set.

2. Click the Create permission set button.

The permission set will be created and you will be taken to the edit page. You can also check/uncheck boxes to customize particular permissions. If you select "None" for people, all people-related permissions will be set to "No." 

How to edit or delete a permission set

To edit an existing permission set, hover over and click Edit next to the name of the one you want to edit.

Once you're redirected to the permission set page, you can edit the name of the permission set in the "Name" field. You can also check/uncheck boxes to customize particular permissions. If you select "None" for people, all people-related permissions will be set to "No." 

A permission set that is not in use can be deleted by clicking the Delete permission set button at the bottom right of the edit page. To delete a permission set currently in use, you must first remove control panel access from people with that permission set. You could also choose to give those users a different permission set. Once no profiles are connected to the permission set, it can be deleted.

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