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Information about your account

Your billing info, where your invoice receipts are sent and more!

Updated over 7 months ago

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How to update billing and credit card information

The person who starts a nation is automatically added as the nation's contact person and the credit card information is stored. (Note that your entire credit card number is never stored within a NationBuilder database, rather a portion of the number is stored as a reminder of the card used.)

Only control panel users with permission to access the Settings > Billing section of your control panel will be able to update a nation's credit card. Learn more about custom permission sets in NationBuilder.

The credit card used to pay for your nation can be easily updated by clicking on your profile icon > Contacts and billing > Credit cards. After entering the credit card information and saving, scroll to the bottom and click Use this one next to the new credit card to make it the default. Once that is done, you can either leave the old one there for future use or click the trash can icon to remove it completely.

📌 Please note: When the credit card is updated in the nation, any outstanding invoices will be charged to the new card as it is added.

Change the billing contact person for your nation by clicking on your profile icon > Contacts and billing > Billing contact. This person will receive emails from our billing email address for reminders of invoices due and receipts for payments.  

Forms of payment accepted

Ways to pay:

Monthly customers:

  • Only credit card payments are accepted for monthly plans.

Annual and/or Enterprise and Network plan customers:

  • Credit cards

  • Wires

  • Checks (US only) for annual plans.

Payment instructions and best practices:

  • When paying by credit card, please keep your credit card information current to prevent any service interruptions. 

  • When paying by check, please include the following information about your nation: invoice number, nation slug, and your full name. Send your check through Fedex, UPS, or certified mail with USPS. Please do not send checks without mail tracking numbers. 

Checks should be mailed to:

Attn: A’ja

6515 W Sunset Blvd, Suite 440
Los Angeles, CA 90028

  • When paying by wire transfer, (internationally or in the US) follow the instructions for paying the invoice. After the wire has been sent, please notify us at [email protected] with the following information: nation slug, name of sender, invoice number, amount, and date.

  • It is currently not possible to pay using PayPal.

Inactive and overdue nations

Your nation will become overdue if we are unable to collect payment for your invoices. During this time, you will receive regular failed payment emails and lose access to your control panel. After a nation is overdue for two weeks, we automatically suspend public access to your website. After two months of non-payment, we reserve the right to shut down your account and delete all associated data. You can update payment information and pay overdue invoices by logging into your control panel

Confidentiality of your nation

NationBuilder has several levels of administrative access to help you manage your nation and keep it secure. Only people you grant access to the control panel can view and update your database, and we do not share your data with anyone. A small number of NationBuilder employees have access to your database to assist with customer support requests.

Each of our employees signs a strict confidentiality policy that covers employee access to your data. You can read our confidentiality policy here.

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