Activity: A display of supporter activities on pages. This can be activated or deactivated per page/website.
Broadcaster: Broadcasters are the voices who speak publicly on behalf of your nation. All external communications are organized around broadcasters. This form of communication is bilateral and is associated with an email address and a telephone number for incoming calls. It is not possible to use this number for outgoing calls, but it does include a mailbox for voice messages, for incoming text messages and for general text messages. It also includes a verified Twitter account or a verified Facebook page (it cannot be a personal profile).
Custom domain: An exclusive and personalized URL that includes the name of your nation.
Custom fields: Custom fields support the collection of key data points not available in standard NationBuilder fields, for example, t-shirt size or graduation year.
Dashboard: The dashboard provides an overview of all of the activity in your nation.
Embed.ly: A third-party service integrated to NationBuilder that allows the user to publish advanced interactive media content, be it videos on YouTube, photo albums, and so on. Simply post the link in the area for content on a web page.
Featured content slider: A sliding image feature that can be activated on any page. Displays images linked to other areas of the Website (or to an external Website) that will continuously slide across the page.
Leaderboards: A leaderboard is a public ranking of the supporters who have taken actions towards achieving your nation’s goals.
Lists: A way to organize people that allows you to perform group actions such as registering all your contacts. This way you can extend your reach from one person to many people.
Nation: When a group, an organization or an individual uses the NationBuilder platform to create, organize and promote a cause or movement.
Parent page: Parent pages are part of page hierarchies. A parent page is a top level page, and child pages are nested under it.
Paths: A nation's goals can be broken down into paths to meet those goals. Paths can serve as a map of where a relationship currently stands. It is a step-by-step workflow to complete a chain of actions. Paths define reasons for engaging supporters and creating alignment and accountability within an organization.
Permission sets: Configurations established by the Admin that defines the level of access to different functions in the control panel.
Person: Each individual you add to your People database is identified as a potential, supporter, member, volunteer or team member.
Point person: Any person in your nation who has access to the control panel and has been assigned as the person who manages communication with an individual.
Political capital = Social capital: The virtual currency supporters receive for performance or activities. It facilitates the creation of a leadership directive where you can identify the most active supporters. You can change the name of this currency in your control panel and you can also change the amount that corresponds to each action.
Priority: Priority level is a way to rank the relative importance of individuals within your people database.
Prospect: An individual in your database that still does not accept serial communication from your nation. It is possible that this individual has interacted in another way or whose name was imported as communicating in the future.
Recurring donation: A donation made by an individual in a consistent and repetitive way.
Relationships: In a profile, you can define relationships between people and organizations. You can track relationships between family members, colleagues, and organizations.
Search engine indexing: When the 'Allow search engines' function is activated, search engines can index the website to optimize what appears through their service.
Side navigation: Navigation for supporters. May include a registration form, login and action buttons, social media widgets, etc.
Slug: A slug is the “name” of your NationBuilder site. For example, my site is awesome.nationbuilder.com - so “awesome” is my slug. Slugs are also the name of your pages, and email/text blasts.
Social slider: This feature makes your pages come alive by prominently displaying an animated slider of the names and faces of everyone taking action.
Support level: Support level indicates whether a person supports an organization's mission. Support level is a 5-point scale, with 1 indicating strong support and 5 indicating strong opposition.
Supporter navigation: The navigation that only appears when a user is logged in.
Tags: A dynamic way to organize profiles of individuals into categories. Tags are virtual sticky notes added to profiles to describe a characteristic that can help you target people with what they care about most. Tags can be attached to profiles in several ways. When you click on a tag in the control panel, all profiles that share the same tag will appear.
Top navigation: The main navigation of your website. A listing of all the main pages of your site across the top of it.
Turf cutter: An area marker that is used to narrow down lists or filters geographically on a map.
UGC: User generated content (UGC)
Website: A visual representation of your nation that the public sees.