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What will the supporter portal look like to my supporters?
What will the supporter portal look like to my supporters?

See what your supporters will see when they visit your portal and what information you have control over displaying

Updated this week

The supporter portal is accessible at https://[your domain]/supporter_portal

Sections & Appearance


In your supporter portal settings, under Settings > Supporter portal > Settings > Sections:

  • The Donations and Memberships sidebar navigation items will display if you select the option to "Enable donation management section" or "Enable membership management section" respectively.

  • The Login and security navigation item above the name of the logged in user will always display.

Under Settings > Supporter portal > Settings > Sections > Appearance

  1. When clicked, the Organization logo will navigate the supporter to whatever page you have set as your "Logo URL."

  2. The Title will typically be the name of your organization, but could be more specific or generic depending on how many websites you accept recurring payments through.

  3. The Tax ID field is optional, and accepts alphanumeric characters. This will display in the upper rightmost corner of your portal on all pages.

  4. The Date format field can be set as either MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY. This format will be used across all pages in your portal.

The full name and profile icon of the logged in supporter will display at the bottom of the sidebar, above an option for them to log out. This part of the display is not editable.


In your supporter portal settings, under Settings > Supporter portal > Settings, there are several fields that can be set within the "Footer" section:

  1. By default, the email address, phone number, and mailing address fields will be pulled from your "Account contact" information under Contacts and billing > Contacts. All of these fields are optional and, if provided, will display in the order shown in the screenshot above. For example, if you choose not to provide a phone number, your supporters will just see your email address, followed by your mailing address.

  2. If filled out, the Additional information field will display directly after the mailing address information. To make it display on the following line (instead of inline with the contact information), you can add <br> in front of your text.

  3. The Terms and Privacy links will display if you provide a URL to the page where your terms of service or privacy policy (respectively) are listed.

The language Contact us at the start of the footer will display if you have provided any of the contact information. It will not display if the only field filled out is "Additional information".

Login and security settings

Supporter can enable MFA for their account through the Login and Security tab in the supporter portal. Note that they will be asked to log in again when they try to access this screen for the first time.

This tab is also linked in the supporter profile edit form on websites. If you wish to place it elsewhere, a liquid variable is available to override the automatic injection of this link. More information can be found in this documentation.

If MFA is optional for supporters, they can enable MFA by checking the appropriate box. From here, they can also reset their authentication factors. If they are allowed to use either authentication factor (i.e. it is not a situation where a single factor is required for their account), then they will be able to switch between each of the authentication factors when logging in.

To change the email they are logging in with, supporters need to navigate to the 'Login email' section and click 'edit' next to their email to select the one they wish to use. Please note that updating the email in their profile on the website will not affect their login email, this change needs to be made in the supporter portal. Read our documentation for more details on how to update your theme to add a link to the supporter portal.

At the bottom of the page, they will find a button to request a password reset email. If they choose to reset their password, they will receive an email with instructions as shown below.


Donations: recurring plans overview

There are 4 columns displayed on the Recurring plans page of the Donations section: Amount, Status, Payment method, and Next donation.

Amount: The amount of the recurring payment and the frequency (monthly or annual) at which the payment is made

Status: The status of the recurring series (active or failing). Once a recurring series fails or has been canceled, it will not longer display in the portal.

Payment method: The card type and last four digits of the credit or debit card used to process the recurring payment. If you are accepting payments through processors other than NationBuilder, please review the limitations for payments processed by 3rd-party processors.

Next donation: The date the next donation is scheduled.

Donations: recurring plan details

Once a donor clicks on the arrow at the end of a row, they will be taken to the donation details section.

This section includes the following rows:

Recipient: This will reflect the name of the website the payment is being processed through as provided under Site settings > Basic > "Name". If the payment was processed through the control panel without a website attribution, this row will display the name of your organization as set under Contacts and billing > Account contact > "Organization name".

Amount: The amount and currency of the recurring donation

Status: The status of the recurring series (active or failing)

Next donation: The date the next donation is scheduled to be processed

Frequency: The frequency (monthly or annual) at which the payment is made

Descriptor: The statement descriptor assigned to the recurring donation at the time it was last processed. The statement descriptor can be set in your payment processor settings under Settings > Payment processors > Edit > "Statement descriptor".

Payment method: The card type and last four digits of the credit or debit card being used to process the recurring donation. (Only for donations processed through NationBuilder see 3rd p

Editing a payment method

If a donor clicks on the "Edit" link in the Payment method row, a sidebar will display that allows them to modify the credit card and billing address used for this recurring payment.

📌 Note: If you are accepting payments through processors other than NationBuilder, please review the limitations for payments processed by 3rd-party processors.

If the donor clicks "Edit" next to the Payment method header, the credit card details will be replaced by a credit card field where they can provide updated card information.

The new card details provided will be used exclusively for future donations in this series, and will not be used for any other recurring series the donor may have.

By default, any address changes the donor makes will apply only to this series and will not affect the billing address you have on file for them. However, if the donor selects the "Use this as my billing address for this organization", their billing address will be updated in your records. However, this change will still not apply to any other active recurring transactions that they may have at the time of the update.

Once the donor clicks "Save", the sidebar will close and the donor will see the following confirmation message at the bottom of the series details page:

Canceling a recurring series

We recommend allowing your recurring donors to cancel their contributions through the portal. This behavior can be enabled under Settings > Supporter portal > Donation management, and checking the "Cancel donation" checkbox.

If this feature is enabled, your donors will see the "Cancel recurring donation" link as displayed in the red box above. Once clicked, your donors will be prompted to confirm their decision in a pop-up modal. This modal will include the name of the website their contribution was made through.

If confirmed, the recurring series will be immediately canceled and no longer displayed in the portal. Your donor will be redirected the Recurring plans overview page with a confirmation messaged displayed at the bottom of the screen.

If the donor no longer has any active recurring donations with your organization, they will see an empty Recurring plans screen with the message "You do not have any active recurring transactions."

Updating a donation amount

You can allow your recurring donors to cancel their contributions through the portal. This behavior can be enabled under Settings > Supporter portal > Donation management, and checking the "Change donation amount" checkbox.

If the feature is enabled, your donors will see be able to click 'Edit' next to their recurring donation amount and that will open a side panel with your preset options.

After they have saved their new donation amount, donors will see a confirmation message.


Memberships: my memberships

There are 4 columns displayed on the My memberships page of the Memberships section: Name, Dues, Status, and Expiration.

Name: The name of the membership type

Dues: The amount and frequency of the dues payment associated with the membership (one-time, monthly, or annual). If the membership does not have a dues payment associated with it, this column will display the word, "Free".

Organization (if multiple websites): If your nation has multiple live websites, a column entitled "Organization" will display after "Dues" and will reflect the name of the website the membership was processed through.

Status: The status of the membership type: active, overdue (i.e. in grace period), expired, and canceled.

Expiration: If the membership has an expiration date, this column will read, "Expires/d [expiry date]". If the membership is tied to a recurring dues payment, this column will read, "Renews [date of next payment]." If the membership has no expiration, this column will read "Does not expire".

Memberships: membership details

Once a donor clicks on the arrow at the end of a row, they will be taken to the membership details section.

This section includes the following rows:

Name: The name of the membership

Status: The current status of the membership (active, overdue, expired, or canceled)

Started on: The date the membership was started. Note: if a membership is canceled or expired but later renewed, this date will only reflect the date of the most recent renewal.

Amount: The dues payment amount. If the membership is unpaid, this row will show "Free".

Renews/Expires/Expired: The header of this row will display dynamically depending on whether the associated dues payment is recurring (renews) or one-time or free (expires/expired). The date will reflect the date of the next payment or the expiration date respectively.

Payment frequency: The frequency (one-time, monthly, or annual) at which the dues payment is processed

Payment method (if payments are made by credit card) : The card type and last four digits of the credit or debit card being used to process the recurring donation.

Note: NationBuilder Payments only - see limitations for payments processed by 3rd-party processors

Editing a payment method

If recurring payments are made by a credit card, members will see an "Edit" link in the Payment method row. When clicked, a sidebar will display that allows them to modify the credit card and billing address used for this recurring payment.

📌 Note: If you are accepting payments through processors other than NationBuilder, please review the limitations for payments processed by 3rd-party processors.

If the donor clicks "Edit" next to the Payment method header, the credit card details will be replaced by a credit card field where they can provide updated card information.

The new card details provided will be used exclusively for future payments towards this membership, and will not be used for any other recurring series the member may have.

By default, any address changes the member makes will apply only to this series and will not affect the billing address you have on file for them. However, if the member selects the "Use this as my billing address for this organization", their billing address will be updated in your records. However, this change will still not apply to any other active recurring transactions that they may have at the time of the update.

Once the member clicks "Save", the sidebar will close and the donor will see the following confirmation message at the bottom of the series details page:

Canceling a membership

Particularly if your members pay for their memberships via recurring payments online, we recommend allowing them to cancel their memberships. This behavior can be enabled under Settings > Supporter portal > Membership management, and checking the "Cancel membership" checkbox.

If this feature is enabled, your donors will see the "Cancel membership" link as displayed in the red box above. Once clicked, your donors will be prompted to confirm their decision in a pop-up modal.

If confirmed, the membership will be canceled as of the date of what would have been their next recurring payment. The associated recurring payment series will be canceled immediately.

If the membership is associated with a one-time payment, this modal will read, "Your membership will expire immediately" and, accordingly, the membership will switch to a status of "Canceled" as soon as the cancelation is made.

📌 Note: On the "My memberships" overview page, a membership with a cancelation scheduled in the future will continue to display a status of "active". Once the expiration date has passed, the membership status will switch to "canceled".

Once a membership cancelation is confirmed, the member will see the following message at the bottom of their screen:

If a supporter doesn't have any memberships with your organization, they will see an empty My memberships screen with the message "You do not have any memberships."

Limitations for payments processed by 3rd-party processors

  1. Updating payment methods. It will not be possible for your supporters to modify the payment methods associated with their recurring payments through the portal, nor will we be able to display the last 4 digits of their payment method on file. Instead, they will be instructed to contact your organization to make changes to their payment.
    In the Recurring donations tab, the logo of the payment processor will display in place of the last four digits and card type:

  2. Descriptor. The statement descriptor for your payments will always display the name of your organization. This data cannot be customized.
    In the recurring donation details view, the language "Contact the organization to change this donation" will display next to the statement descriptor:

  3. Installment payments. Series configured as installment will be included in this view as long as the series status is "active". There will be no indication of how many scheduled payments remain in a series, and the series will disappear from this view as soon as the status is "completed."

  4. Unsupported payment frequencies. If you support payment frequencies other than one-time or monthly through your 3rd party processor (PayPal or, the frequencies attributed to these payments will not be accurate. Instead, these payments will display as having an "annual" recurrence.

Portal display on desktop vs. mobile



Sidebar navigation & payment method editing sidebar on mobile

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