📌 Note: Walksheets are available as an add-on in the political bundle. For more information on adding new features please see the add-ons page in your nation.
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Where to start
Lists are a static way of organizing people in your database. You can send an email or a text message blast to a list. You can batch update a list. You can use a list to record contacts in call view or data entry view. You can also print call or walk sheets from a list.
Below you will learn how to create a list, add or remove people from a list, delete a list, and remove people from your database. Lists live within the People section.
Create a list
In the People section, when you click on the Lists tab, you can create a list.
1. If you click on the word Lists, a widget will appear displaying your nation's lists.
2. Click + Create List.
3. Type the name of your new list, and press the Create button. Your list will be created and appear in the widget menu.
4. You can click Edit next to the name of your list to edit its settings or to delete the list. Edit will only appear next to the list names when you hover over its name.
📌 Note: Creating a list works the same way regardless of how you open the widget. The lists widget is also available from the Actions button and the arrow that appears at the far right-side of a profile overview.
Add to or remove a person from a list
In single-person view, the Actions button allows you to add the person you're viewing to a list or remove that person from a list.
Click on the arrow and you will see the following options:
You will also find the option to edit a profile or delete it from your database.
Click on Add or remove from list. A list widget will pop up. Checkmarks next to a list name indicate that the person is on the list.
Click on a list with a checkmark next to it to remove the person from a list. The count of people on the list will decrease by one.
Alternatively, click on a list without a checkmark and the person will be added to the list. The count of people on the list will increase by one.
You can mass add people to a list when using filters by selecting your search criteria, clicking Filter, and then selecting the Actions button and then, Add all to list. Alternatively, you can mass remove people in the same manner.
Delete a list
Deleting a list is a casual affair. You will not lose any information about the people on the list. The only thing that will disappear is the list itself. If you accidentally delete a list, you can always recreate it and add people to it using people search.
1. Click on Lists at the top of the People section.
2. Click Edit next to the name of the list you want to delete.
3. When taken to the edit list screen, click on the Delete option.
4. Select Delete this list to delete the list. A pop up screen will appear to confirm that you want to delete the list. Click OK.
5. If you need to Delete people from your nation you can do so here. This cannot be undone. If you choose this option you will lose all information about these people, all records of communication with these people, and all voter data of these people.
You'll be taken to a screen displaying all of your lists. A red notification will pop up at the bottom of the control panel confirming that the list was deleted.
When a list is connected to a scheduled email or text message blast, it cannot be deleted. This ensures that a blast is not inadvertently sent to no one. If you attempt to delete a list used by a scheduled blast, an error message will appear. In order to delete the list, new recipients must be selected for the scheduled email or text message blast. Once new recipients are selected, the list can be deleted.
👉🏼 Next Steps
You might want to alter list settings or use lists to make batch updates.
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