Scheduling works the same throughout your nation, whether you are scheduling a blog post or a an email blast from your broadcaster. Follow these steps any time you wish to schedule content.
1. Create and save your content. At the top of the page Publish or Schedule will appear.
2. Click on the Schedule button and a pop up will appear. Choose a time and day to publish the post. When you click on the date, a calendar will appear allowing you to set the day of publication on a future day.
3. Enter the time for the post to be published or the broadcast sent out. You can enter time in twelve hour or twenty-four hour standard, e.g. 3pm, 3:15pm, or 15:00, 15:15. You must choose a time that is at least an hour in the future.
4. Click Schedule to complete the scheduling process.
A system message will appear letting you know the post has been scheduled. Any type of webpage or broadcasted message can be scheduled in the same manner.
Review all of your scheduled web content from Website > [Website Name] > Scheduled:
You can review any scheduled communications by going to [Broadcaster] > [communication type] > Scheduled.
For example, I can find my scheduled email blasts posts under [My broadcaster] > Email > Scheduled.
If you click on the date/time, you can change the scheduled time.
Cancel the scheduled content by clicking the arrow button on the far right. You can edit the content of the post by hovering over it and clicking Edit on the far left.