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Learn how to create and use various webpage types – like blogs, event calendars, petitions, surveys, and more. All actions taken on your website automatically connect to your people database.
128 articles
Sell tickets to an event using NationBuilder
Raise theme guidelines
Momentum theme guidelines
Action theme guidelines
Aware theme guidelines
CityZen theme guidelines
Collective theme guidelines
Headliner theme guidelines
Presence theme guidelines
Publish theme guidelines
Verve theme guidelines
Victory Again theme guidelines
Changing fonts in the Raise theme
Changing fonts in the Momentum theme
What is a custom domain and why do I need one?
Connect a custom domain to your nation while managing your own DNS
Understand how custom domains work
Creating and attaching a subdomain
Who should manage my domain?
Useful DNS tools
All about DMARC
New Gmail and Yahoo sender requirements
How to check for DMARC records
Redirecting ‘https’ traffic from your root domain to your NationBuilder website
Edit GoDaddy nameservers to point to your NationBuilder website
Clone a page
Edit content on your webpages
Include files and images on a page
Configure featured content sliders
Schedule content
How to use social sliders
Embed Instagram on your website
Configure email and text message opt-ins
Remove email and text opt-in checkboxes from a page
How to use consent forms on your website
Sharing your site on social media
Delete a page
Embed a PDF on a page
Types of NationBuilder pages
Setting up an event
Organize events with the calendar
Start a blog
Create a suggestion box page
Create a signup page
Create a feedback page
Create a petition
How to create a custom volunteer signup page on your website
Create a survey page
Create a custom recruiting page
Create a directory page
How to use a redirect page
Create an endorsement page
Set up a vote pledge page
Create an FAQ page
How to connect with ActBlue
Create a moneybomb page
Create a press release page
Set up a splash page
Make a forum
NationBuilder's Cookiebot cookie banner FAQ
How to configure a Cookiebot cookie banner
Managing cookie consents with Cookiebot
How public profile pages work
Set up SEO in your nation
Set up your nation's rules
Change the name of your website
Remove parent pages from the top nav
How the supporter navigation works
Include or exclude a site from search results
How to use Google Analytics with NationBuilder
How to verify your site with Google Apps
Add a favicon, header image and logo to your NationBuilder site
How to manage multiple sites within a nation
How to share a website
Integrating grassroots advocacy with your nation
Integration with other CMS platforms
How to deal with spam content
Set up your website for success
How to embed voting forms on your NationBuilder site
The differences between page tags and people tags