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Organize events with the calendar
Organize events with the calendar

Calendars can display all events in your nation, events with a specific tag, or only events created within the calendar.

Updated over 12 months ago

📌 Note: Memberships are available as add-ons. For more information on adding new features please see the add-ons page in your nation.

What a calendar page looks like

To start a new calendar, go to Website > [Your Site’s Name] > + New page > Calendar. 

Name your calendar, select calendar as the page type, and decide whether to include the calendar in the top nav or supporter nav of your site. Click Create Page. We recommend leaving the calendar in draft mode until you have completed the setup process.

Choose which events to display and what to call them

Go to Calendar > Settings

1. Decide what an event in your calendar should be called. If all events will be a specific type (e.g. party, rally, etc.), you can choose to call an event one of those names. Be sure to type in the name for a single event. 

2. Click the checkbox if you want to include all events in your website, not just the ones created within this calendar.

3. You can limit the events shown to only include events with a specified tag(s). This could allow you to include all events in your website that are phone banks in one calendar, while showing all fundraising events in another calendar.

4. By default, events are sorted by date. You can click the checkbox to change this to sort by distance from the site visitor if you like.

5. You can also choose to show a map of all events on your calendar if you select the checkbox. If both of these options are checked, a visitor will see a map of events nearest to them. 

6. Click the Save Settings button when you are done making your selections.

You can provide an introduction to the calendar under Calendar > Intro blurb. The content editor is the same as on other pages - if you want to include an image in the introduction, you can insert it with the insert/edit photo button. You can also embed videos and other content by typing the URL on its own line within the content editor.

Accept user-submitted events

 📌 User-submitted events are only available to customers on the Team, Organization, or Network plan.

You can choose whether or not to allow people to add their own events to the calendar under Calendar settings > User submitted events

User submitted events have the following parameters:

  • An event creator will have to include their email address to submit the event.

  • Choose whether to require a phone number.

  • Page tags can be added to all user-submitted events within the calendar. 

  • People tags can be added to all event creators.

  • You can assign event creators to a point person - if an event creator already has a point person, that assignment will not be changed.

  • You can also specify the default date, time, and time zone for new events.

  • You can restrict user submitted events to be added after a particular date and/or before a particular date.

The autoresponses for user submitted events are formatted using Liquid code to provide details to attendees and event owners about the event. These settings are under Calendar settings > Autoresponses. You probably don’t want to change the content of these autoresponses, though you may want to change the broadcaster they are sent from. You can also consider whether you want to send event owners an email every time someone RSVPs to an event and/or cancels their RSVP to an event.

Whether or not you leave these features on, you should consider creating PDFs of RSVPs for each user submitted event and emailing the PDF to event owners prior to the start of their event so they have a complete list of RSVPs from which to mark attendance at the event.

Create event settings at the calendar level

Under Event settings > Advanced you are able to add a person to a path, assign membership, and add tags to any person who has either RSVPed or attended. This makes it really easy to manage many events at scale based on the type of calendar (region based, event type based, point person based, etc.).

To enable calendar level event settings check the following checkbox that looks like:

Enter your advanced event settings and press Save settings. This will immediately apply to all events listed as subpages under the calendar and to any events created or moved under this calendar page going forward. Events settings at the event page level will no longer be editable if the event page is under this calendar page.

If you wish to edit the event settings based on the actual event instead of the calendar, simply remove the event page from the calendar by going under Settings > Page Settings and remove the calendar page in the area that says "This page is a subpage of". You can also remove the calendar level event settings from the event pages entirely by unchecking the checkbox. 


Once you have completed setting up your calendar, go to Preview to see what your calendar will look like on your live site. If you are satisfied with how it looks, click the Publish button. You can also edit your settings and return to the Preview screen to see revisions before clicking Publish.

👉🏼 Next steps

Start setting up events within your calendar!

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