Where to start
Currently, page cloning only works with the following page types: basic, petition, donation v2, signup, volunteer, surveys, events, and blog post pages.
Cloning a page
To clone a page, go to the page you'd like to copy by clicking on your Website and hovering/selecting Edit next to the page name. Once on the page, click on the More tab and select Clone.
1. Enter the slug for the new page. Remember the slug uniquely identifies a page on your website. It is the end of the URL for a page. For example: http://abeforprez.nationbuilder.com/blog
The word blog is the slug for the blog page on the Abe for Prez website. The slug will always be after the back slash at the end of address.
2. Press Clone. The amount of time it takes to clone will depend on the amount of content it is copying.
At this point, the page will refresh and you will see a note saying your page is being created in the same area of your site as the original page. If you have a large amount of pages, a quick way to find it would be typing in the slug in the quick search in the upper right corner of your page.