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Donation page converter

To use your existing Donation pages with integrated payment processing, use this tool to easily convert them to Donation (v2) pages!

Updated over 5 years ago

Table of Contents

Select pages to convert

Go to Website > Select site name > Convert. The Convert option will not show if Dropbox is linked to your nation or if your current site is using a v1 theme.

The page listing includes page slugs/names, their processors, status, and whether they have customized page templates. Only published and unlisted donation (v1) pages are included.

1. Click the checkbox next to the page you'd like to convert (or use Select all at the top). 

2. Click Review __ page(s).

Review settings that will/won’t be converted

1. Each page in review shows page name/URL at the top. 

2. X Feature not available- There are some features that are not available on donation (v2) pages. This includes donation amount minimums/maximums, installment payments, and featured content sliders.

3. You might want to have different action settings (i.e. tags, memberships, paths) for one-time and recurring donations, you can toggle these after conversion. We keep the same one-time/recurring option and their corresponding action settings during conversion. 

4. Choose which payment processor to use.

⚠️Warning about custom page templates: when we convert this page, any customizations you made to the page's HTML template won't transfer over. Your old page will be archived, so you won't lose it as a reference if you want to make similar changes to your new page.

5. Click Next step

Preview and convert the page

Once you've clicked Next step, you'll be taken to a preview page. Here you'll see what your page will look like once converted. 

Note, in order for the v2 version of the page to look as expected, there are styles that must be added to theme.scss. We make this happen automatically.

  • If you are using a non-customized theme.scss, they will already be added.

  • If you are using a customized theme.scss that’s currently published, we detect which theme it was based off to add the needed styles (unless you’ve already added them).

Once you review, if you're good with the changes, click Convert to create the new page (or press Cancel to be taken back to the review settings page). 

The new v2 page will retain the old slug (and other aspects you would expect from a page clone), but past transactions will remain associated with the old page so that you can compare the performance of your new page to the old one. If the page is your homepage, splash page, default donation page, referenced in the site navigation, or the parent page of one or more subpages, all of these will be updated. 

If you converted a single donation page, you will be taken directly to the page settings for your new v2 page. 

If you converted multiple pages, you will land on a confirmation page of sorts:

From here, you can click the Go to page settings button to navigate directly to the settings area of your new pages to make any desired adjustments. If you are second guessing your conversion, you can also click the Undo button to revert all updates and republish your old page.

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