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Create a consent form

Once you've decided what information you want to collect from people, you need to create a form to collect that information.

Updated over 4 months ago

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Create a consent form

After you've turned on advanced privacy and created your consent subjects (aka what information you want to collect from people), you need to create a form to collect that information. NationBuilder records each person’s yes or no, and then you can utilize those responses to determine how you can use each person’s data.

To create a consent form, go to Settings > Privacy > Consent form > + New consent form.

1. Slug: Give the consent form a title, e.g. email_consent_form.

2. Language: Select the language you'd like the form to display in.

3. Headline: Add introductory text to get people's attention.

4. Content: Fill in a description about the consent you are asking for. Think about your target audience and be specific about why you are collecting the data and what it will be used for. 

📌 Note: you have text editing options at the top of the content editor, you can also include images and links. (Pro Tip: To edit in full screen mode, click the arrows icon in the upper right corner of the content editor.)

5. Consent subject: Using the dropdown menu, choose what consents you would like included on the consent form from the list of consents you have already created. 

You can add more consent options by clicking the blue + Add another consent option link at the bottom of the page. You can delete consent options by clicking on the Trash Can button.

6. Description: Write a description of the consent so users know what they are opting in to, e.g. "Can we occasionally contact you via email?"

7. Click Save settings. Your form will be saved and will now live in your consent forms list. 

If you'd like to view what your form will look like to your supporters, click on the live form link at the top of the page. 

8. If the form is complete, and you're ready to send it to supporters, click Publish. Note that you will no longer be able to edit the form once it is published, as we have to ensure that the consent options do not change so that the log is accurate. Think of it similar to sending an email blast, once it’s sent you can’t change it anymore. We recommend creating another consent form if you want to edit it.

You can create as many consent forms as you wish as needed for your Nation. For example, maybe you just want email consent from people or maybe you need data/email/text consent from people, maybe only half you nation needs email consent and only half need text consent, etc.

All of your consent forms will live at Settings > Privacy > Consents.

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