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Campaign: Cut turf and print walk sheets
Campaign: Cut turf and print walk sheets

NationBuilder's turf cutter tool allows you to quickly save people from a map area to a list. These lists can be used to print walk sheets.

Updated over 4 years ago

📌 Note: Walksheets availability differ per plan. For more information on plan types please see the add-ons page in your nation.

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Step 1: Create your target voter universe

To start, you're going to want to setup a generic voter filter. Go to the People section and click on the Filter button.

1. Click Add Criteria and find Voting history, then select elections accordingly.

2. Also, add a "Contacted" filter and select "has not been contacted".

3. Click Save Filter As....

📌 Pro-tip: to exclude hard-to-access apartment buildings, add an Address2 criteria to your filter, change "is" to "exists" and select "no."

Now, view the list of people on a map. To do so, after filtering, click on the map button. When you view people on a map, everyone with an exact address in their profiles is shown. There are two ways people are displayed on the map: in clusters (groups) and as points (individuals). At the top of the map, you have several options for who you would like displayed. 

Slider: the slider allows you to zoom from a global map to street-view. 

Filter: the filter button allows you to filter in real-time. Clusters will reload dynamically. In point view, any turf cut will remain and the new results will display within the turfs you created.

Address accuracy: by default, people with exact addresses in their profiles will be displayed on the map. You can change the level of address accuracy required with this dropdown menu. 

Turf cutting: the turf cutter allows you to quickly save people in specified areas to a list. Lists can be used to print walk sheets for door-to-door canvassing, as well as other actions. 

We'll get to this in more detail below.

Step 2: Cut turf 

To create walk lists, you have two options: (1) use the auto-clustering feature, which suggests turfs based on the count of voters in each; (2) cut turfs based on geography, neighborhood, etc.

Cluster View

Blue clusters indicate large groups of people on a map. You can click on the number within a cluster to zoom in on that part of the world - the cluster will transform into smaller clusters. 

If you click an area of the cluster other than the number, a pop-up window will appear, allowing you to save the cluster as a list. These auto-turfs can help you quickly coordinate in-person activities. 

The count of people displayed in clusters is approximate. Once you save a list from a cluster, the number of people on the list may be slightly different than the number reported in map view. Manually cut turf counts are exact. 

Cut Turf

When you view the map, the turf cutter is turned off, which is indicated by the grey button. When you click the Turf Cut button, it will turn blue to indicate you are in turf cutting mode. The easiest way to turf cut is to zoom in until you see points. Then, click the Turf Cut button. When you hover over the map, your cursor will look like a cross.

  1. Click your mouse once to create the beginning point of the turf, which will display as a white box.

  2. Drag your cursor and continue clicking to create the boundaries of your turf - it can be any shape that makes sense for your needs.

  3. The points of people included in the turf will be highlighted in white.

  4. Double click to connect your last boundary to your starting point.

  5. Repeat steps 2-5 until your entire map is turf cut.

  6. If you begin cutting a turf and decide the shape is incorrect, press the escape key to cancel that turf.

  7. Turn the turf cut tool off by clicking the Turf Cut button - it will turn grey.

  8. Save your turfs as lists. To do so, click within the turf area and a pop-up will appear:

Here you can name the list, provide a slug, and share with other control panel users. Make sure to click Save list.

When you use the turf cutter to create your own turf, this pop up will also give you the option to delete the turf. If you click the Delete turf button, the turf area you created on the map will disappear and you'll be able to re-cut the turf. If you click the X at the top right of this pop-up, the turf will remain and a list will not be saved. 

Turf created manually, as described above, will always have accurate counts of the number of people within the turf. You can filter after defining turf and the counts will reload, accurately reflecting the exact number of people who match your criteria and are located in the turf. 

Step 3: Create and print walk sheets

Next, access the list(s) you created in step 2 by going to People > Lists > select the edit button next to the list you'd like to create a walk sheet for.

Walk list settings

You can create a cover sheet, walk script, or other introductory information for the sheets. Go to the Settings tab within your list and enter this information in the "List description" field. Be sure to click the Save button to save your changes.


Printing walk sheets

Go to Print sheets > Stock themes.

1. Decide on a theme and click Use this theme - it will then say "Currently active". You'll likely want to choose one of these themes:

  • Walk sheet (split odd/even): Name, address, party, age, gender, demo, and support level.

  • Walk sheet with phone (split odd/even): Name, address, phone number, party, age, gender, demo, and support level.

When walking a block, it can be useful to split addresses between odd and even numbers to allow canvassers to stay on one side of the street before connecting with people on the opposite side. Creating that split is the only difference between similarly named themes.

You can also use scannable sheet themes:

  • Scannable walk sheet: Name, address, party, phone, age, demo, and survey questions.

  • Scannable walk sheet (split odd / even): Name, address, party, phone, age, demo, and survey questions.

  • Scannable call sheet: Name, address, party, phone, age, demo, and survey questions.

Learn more about how to use scannable sheets.

2. Click Download sheet.

3. Click the Generate sheet button. Two things will happen immediately. A system message will display at the bottom of the control panel:

All previously generated sheets will appear below the Generate sheet button. Refresh the page.

4. Click on the Download button to download your sheets. You can print directly from your browser or download the lists to PDF.

Now you're ready to do some door-to-door canvassing! 

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