Edit theme styles in the email builder

The email builder allows you to easily create great-looking emails. Here is a breakdown of the different areas you can configure.

Updated over a week ago

Table of content

To see these options, go to the "Content" section of your email, and next to content choose "Theme styles" in the right column.


The backdrop of your email is the grayish color in the email example above. You can edit the color of this area by clicking on "Theme styles". You can also edit the amount of space between the canvas of your email and the top and bottom of the backdrop see the image below.


The header of your email is at the top. Usually, this is a good place to add your logo or some large text that announces who this email is from. There are a few different styles to choose from for this area:

  • Image only

  • Image and text

  • Text only

Choose which style you're interested in using and then use the "Style" section on the right to get the look and feel you want. In this example, I've chosen the Image and text option, I've aligned the image to the left of the overall header section, centered the image in its area, reduced its size by 50%, and given the header area a gray background.

Play around with colors and alignment until you find something that fits your brand. Keep in mind that using more than 3 colors overall in this area can make your header look a little busy and distract from people recognizing your brand.


The canvas of your email is the main area where you'll be adding images and text, you can think of it as the "body" of your email. You can edit the style of this whole section by using the style settings. Areas you can edit include:

  • Background colour

  • Padding top/bottom

  • Paragraph fonts

    • Font type

    • size

    • colour

    • link colour

You can also edit the appearance of all four types of subheadings. Font type, size, color and style are all editable here. Watch as we edit the size, color and style in this video. Continue the same process for all subheading types you want to edit. These changes will be applied to all the areas of your newsletter where you are using a particular subheading.


The footer section of your email is the small information panel at the end of your email that provides your reader with information about the organization and unsubscribe links. This section is required by international law to include an address for the organization and a link for readers to unsubscribe.
You can change the background color of this section using the Styles section of the Footer.

Mobile Styles

To change the font styles specifically for readers who are looking at your email on their mobile phone use the Mobile style settings. Here you can change the font size and decide whether you want to show the backdrop on mobile or not.

Theme saving

You can save your newly created theme by using the Save as theme button. This will create a custom theme that you will be able to re-use.

Next time you want to use that theme, you'll be able to select it from the Custom themes tab of the Theme selection step:

When you're finished with your email layout, click Save and continue and continue sending your email blast as you usually would!

Theme editing

You can edit a saved theme by navigating to Email > Custom themes. Find the theme you want to delete and click on the edit button next to the theme name.

You'll be able to adjust the content of your theme by editing the content blocks and theme styles. When you are happy with your changes, click 'Save theme'.

Theme sharing

Edit your theme settings to change the name of your theme and the name of its creator. This is also where you can share your theme with other nations so they can use it when they create an email blast. You'll find a checkbox to allow control panel users to edit the shared theme. When you are done, click 'Save theme'.

Theme deletion

You can delete a saved theme by navigating to Email > Custom themes. Find the theme you want to delete and click on the arrow at the end of the row. You'll see a 'Delete custom theme' option. Only drag-and-drop themes (that don't have the HTML label) can be deleted.

Once deleted, the theme will no longer be available in the list of custom themes of the email editor, but previous mailings won't be affected. When visualizing a blast with a deleted theme, you'll see a notification in the email preview stating that the theme has been deleted.

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