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Edit or stop a tag share

Tags shared between nation can be edited or stopped.

Updated over 4 years ago

📌 Note: Tag sharing is available on our Enterprise plan. For more information please see our pricing page.

Once a tag share is created, it cannot be edited. The sending nation must stop and re-start the tag share to edit its parameters. This system ensures that both the sending and receiving nations have a chance to approve changes to a tag share.

A receiving nation can stop a tag share, but it cannot edit the parameters or re-start the share. 

To edit a tag in the sending nation:

1. Go to People > Tags > View all.

2. Select Edit next to the tag you wish to stop sharing.

3. Go to Sharing.

4. Click Edit next to the slug of the nation with whom you wish to stop the tag share.

5. Click Stop sharing. A confirmation box will pop up asking if you are sure. 

Click OK to confirm that you want to stop the tag share. A tag share must be stopped before it can be edited.

6. From here you may also update the settings of your tag share including whether to sync profile information, which optional fields to include in the syncing process, and whether profiles should be created in the receiving nation if they do not currently exist.

7. Click Update share to update your settings. 

8. Click Request sharing to re-request the tag share in the receiving nation. 

⚠️ It is important to complete these steps exactly as written - the fields to be shared must be saved by clicking the "Update share" button before clicking the "Request sharing" button. Otherwise, changes made to the tag share will not be saved. 

A receiving nation can only stop the tag share: 

Go to People > Tags > View all and click Edit next to the name of the shared tag you wish to review.

Click on Stop sharing to end the tag share.

The receiving nation cannot edit whether a tag share includes data syncing, the optional fields included, or whether new profiles will be created. Only the sending nation can edit the settings of the tag share. 

What happens when a tag share is stopped

A tag share that is stopped -- either from the sending or from the receiving nation -- will display the "stopped" status in the sending nation. The tag will be removed from the receiving nation. If the sending nation updates the share and starts the process again, the receiving nation will have to accept the share again, thereby confirming the new parameters of the tag share.

Here is how the status will display in the sending nation:

The tag and its stat boxes will no longer display in the receiving nation when a share is stopped.

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