📌 Note: Tag sharing is available on our Enterprise plan. For more information please see our pricing page.
Table of Contents
Where to start
Tag sharing eliminates the hassle of exporting and importing data between nations. You need to be aware that a tag share is coming because notifications only occur at People > Tags > View all.
Tag sharing is a relatively complicated feature that can significantly change profiles within a nation. Therefore, only nation admins can share or accept tags. Nations on the Organization, Enterprise, or Network plans can create or accept tag shares. Nations on the Leader plan can only accept tag shares.
How to accept a shared tag
Only nation admins can accept a shared tag from another nation. If you are expecting a tag share, check to see if it is available at People > Tags > View all > Shared.
A notification will appear at the bottom of the screen showing the nation who shared the tag and the tag name. Shared tags will appear in the format “nation slug:tag name.”
To accept the shared tag:
1. In the control panel, copy in blue is always a hyperlink. Click on the blue, hyperlinked tag name.
A new screen will appear and the number of decisions to be made will depend on whether the sending nation is also requesting that you sync profile data.
2. Click the Accept share button to accept the share. You may reject the tag share by clicking Reject share.
A notification will appearing confirming either your acceptance, or rejection, of the tag share.
How to accept a tag share when profile data syncs
Only nation admins can accept a shared tag from another nation. If you are expecting a tag share, check to see if it is available at People > Tags > View all > Shared.
A notification will appear showing the nation who shared the tag and the tag name. Shared tags will appear in the format “nation slug:tag name.”
If the sending nation is requesting that profile information be synced with your nation, you must accept the data sync when accepting the tag share.
1. Click on the blue, hyperlinked tag name.
A new screen will appear. If the sending nation is sharing a tag and syncing profile data, you will see the following:
📌 Note: The list of data being shared will only list the optional fields being shared. As the receiving nation, you cannot add optional fields to the sync. Additionally, this list will not include the 37 fields always included when syncing data.
2. Choose how you want to sync data with the sending nation. You must choose one of the three options listed to accept the share. Below you'll find detailed information on how these options work.
Data sync options
When accepting a tag share that includes data syncing, the receiving nation has options. These options are fundamentally the same as the overwrite existing data option for imports. That means that the process is a bit nuanced. Here are the three options and explanations for each choice:
Always review each change: Nation will review when a field contains data and the tag share wants to change the content of the field. Blank fields will always be filled with data from the other nation.
Accept all changes: Sync will update all fields. During the initial sync, data from the sending nation will overwrite data in the receiving nation. Moving forward, the assumption is that data updated most recently is most accurate. Therefore, if at 9:00 a.m. a field was populated in nation A and that field was populated with different information at 9:30 a.m. in nation B, the data from nation B will be seen in both nations.
Accept only for blank fields: During the initial sync, blank fields in the receiving nation will be filled by data in the sending nation. Moving forward, those fields will be synced between nations using the same "most recent = most accurate" logic described above.
Once the sync options are chosen in the receiving nation, they will also apply to the sending nation. When a receiving nation chooses to review changes, changes to non-blank fields will also be reviewed in the sending nation.
3. If the sending nation chose to share profiles that do not already exist in your nation, you can choose whether or not to accept these new people into your database.
Check the box to create new profiles via the tag share. If a person is tagged in the sharing nation and doesn't exist in your nation, a new profile will be created. Existing profiles will be updated. Please note that profiles will only be created in the receiving nation. If you leave the box unchecked, no new profiles will be created from the tag share.
3a. If you check the box to create new people, another option will display:
We recommend checking the box to import new profiles as prospects. Checking the box ensures that all new profiles will be labeled prospects.
If the box is unchecked, new profiles will be created as supporters or non-supporters. Support status will be determined in the same way it is determined for imports: if it is shared, support level will determine support status. Otherwise, the amount of information included in the data sync will be used to estimate whether the new profile is a support or a non-supporter. Learn more about how support status is determined.
4. Click Accept share to begin your tag share. You may reject the tag share by clicking Reject share.
How people are matched
The same matching process used for imports is used for tag sharing. Here is the order of how aspects of a profile are matched between one nation and another:
First, the Voter GUID is used. Then, other unique IDs are used, including social media IDs. Twelve unique IDs are not included in the matching process unless they are chosen by the sending nation when the share begins.
If email addresses are included in the sync, they will be matched at this point. An email address can only exist in one profile within any nation, though each profile can contain up to four emails.
Finally, if none of the unique IDs connect profiles, a heuristic process combines phone fields, profile name, and birthday to create matches.
It is possible the matching process will detect ambiguous matches. This means that a profile in the sending and receiving nation cannot be synced because a unique ID field contains a different value in each nation. Ambiguous matches will not be synced.
Usually, ambiguous matching is caused by duplicate profiles in one of the nations. Merging duplicate profiles within the sending or receiving nation may resolve ambiguous matches, allowing the profiles to sync.
Tag ownership
The sending nation always retains ownership of the tag. This means the receiving nation cannot exclude a matched profile from the share. Nor can the receiving nation remove a shared tag from an individual profile.
The receiving nation can stop the tag share. This will remove the shared tag from all profiles in the receiving nation. The tag will remain on all profiles in the sending nation.
If the sending nation removes the tag from a profile, the tag will be removed from the synced profile in the receiving nation and no further data syncing will occur. The profiles will remain in both nations without the tag.
If the receiving nation deletes a profile, the sync will stop on that profile. If the tag share includes creating new profiles, a new profile will be created in the receiving nation based on the current data in the sending nation.
Ongoing share process
When the tag is shared: If the tag is added to a new profile in the sending nation, the system will attempt to match that profile to a profile in the receiving nation. This process will occur at least once a day. Similarly, if the tag is removed from a profile in the sending nation, it will be removed from the matched profile in the receiving nation. The receiving nation cannot remove the tag from a profile in the sending nation.
When the tag is shared and data is synced: Once profiles are matched, fields will be updated on an ongoing basis. The most recent update is always assumed to be the most accurate information for the field. Therefore, if at 9:00 a.m. a field was populated in nation A and that field was populated with different information at 9:30 a.m. in nation B, the data from nation B will be seen in both nations.
When an address is updated in one nation, the update will be seen in the other nation -- even if the process replaces a complete address with an incomplete one. Addresses are always updated when a tag share includes data sync because tag sharing follows the same overwrite logic as imports. Therefore, even if the receiving nation chooses to review changes, address updates always occur without review.
The same rules regarding tag ownership apply when data is synced, so the tag itself can only be removed from a sending nation profile by a control panel user in the sending nation. And the only way a shared tag can be removed in the receiving nation is by stopping the tag share or deleting the profile.
View the tags dashboard
Viewing shared tags in the receiving nation:
Shared tags can be viewed by navigating to People > Tags > Shared.
You'll see the name of the tag, the status and how many taggings exist for the tag. Hover over a tag and click Edit to make any changes.
👉🏼 Next steps
You may want to take a peek at how to review changes to shared tags or how to edit/stop a tag share.
Related HOWTOs
How to share data with other nations via tags
How to use tags
Creating a tag library
Filters vs. lists vs. tags