Keep track of pledges
Pledges are promises received from supporters to donate money in the future. Verbal pledges can be recorded in your control panel. You can also gather pledges via a moneybomb page.
You can view a list of all current pledges in your nation from Finances > Pledges > Listing. From here you can add a new pledge by clicking + New pledge.
1. You can enter a new pledge for a person in your database by typing in their name, email, or Twitter handle and a list of possible selections will populate in the dropdown menu.
2. Type in the amount pledged.
3. You can add a tracking code to the pledge.
4. You can indicate who the fundraiser was for the pledge.
5. You can select a page to count the pledge on. The page dropdown menu will list all active moneybomb pages.
6. You can also indicate if a pledge should not be published on your website.
7. Click the Save pledge button to save the pledge.
Pledges can also be recorded when in the call view of a list or from a person's profile.
Add donations
When a check from a pledger arrives or if a donor offers to make a credit card donation over the phone, you can add the donation from the person's profile. If the person is a pledger, you can also add a donation from Finances > Pledges > Listing. In the latter area, click Add Donation next to the pledger's name.
Select the payment type from the dropdown menu. If you are submitting a check, you will see a field to enter the Check number.
This will direct you to the person's profile, to Finances > New donation. Once you have completed entering the information on this page, click the Pay donation button.
If the amount donated is less than the total amount pledged, then when the donation is recorded, the total pledged amount will be updated to reflect the change. For example, if a donor pledges $1,500 and donates $500, then the amount pledged will change to $1,000 to reflect the donation (Note: if a donor raises money from another person for your organization, that amount will be reflected in the total amount fundraised, but will not diminish the amount pledged). A pledge is a personal commitment to donate money. You can manually decrease the amount pledged by clicking the pencil button next to the pledge in a person's profile under Finances > Pledges or in Finances > Pledges > Listing.
Appoint fundraisers
Fundraisers are people who raise money on behalf of your organization. If a fundraiser isn't indicated when a donation is recorded, then the donor will be listed as the fundraiser. If this is confusing, you may want to appoint a staff member as fundraiser for all donations NOT associated with a specific fundraiser.
There are four ways a fundraiser can be associated with a donation record:
Added manually when a donation is recorded (for offline donations)
Added manually after an online donation occurs
Recorded when a fundraiser shares a donation page with their friends and includes their recruiter ID in the link
Recorded when people donate via a personal fundraising page
Donation records can be found in the Finances section or within a person's profile. When you are editing a donation record, you can update the fundraiser associated with the record.
Use tracking codes
When you are doing a fundraising campaign or an event, tracking codes help you keep an eye on all the donations tied to that specific fundraising.
Keeping track of your donations is extremely important when you’re running multiple campaigns or events. With tracking codes, you can aggregate donations for accounting reconciliation. As all transactions aggregate in the Finances section, tracking codes help identify which transaction is tied to which specific campaign or event.
Schedule events
This feature is only available to accounts on the Organization level plan or above.
Scheduling an event where people need to purchase tickets to attend can be a great way to reach out to your current and prospective fundraising base. You can begin fundraising by charging to attend the event and on the day of the event, make an appeal to encourage people to give more money to your cause.
There are two ways to sell tickets for an event listed on your website:
1. If tickets are purchased through a third-party website, you can list the ticket price and the URL to purchase tickets by editing the Event settings > Tickets.
2. If you would like to sell tickets to your event within your nation, go to Event settings > Basics and check the box next to "Sell Tickets." You'll need to choose a page to use to purchase the tickets from your current donation and/or invoice pages. You can also select a tracking code.
We recommend creating a separate donation page to process ticket payments. If you have a tracking code on both your event page and your donation page, the donation page tracking code will be added to the ticket purchase. By creating a ticket purchase page without a tracking code, you can have unique tracking codes connected to each event and those tracking codes will be attached to the ticket purchases. You do not have to use a donation tracking code, but it is a good way to batch donations together so you can understand which events and appeals are most effective to reaching your fundraising goals.
Create ticket levels
If you create the event to sell tickets, navigate to Event settings > Tickets to set ticket levels to sell. You need to set at least one ticket level. All information entered on this page will be included in the public event page, so it is useful to standardize the use of capital letters and whether descriptions will be in full sentences for each ticket level. Regardless of the order you enter the ticket levels in the control panel, they will be displayed in ascending order on your website, with the lowest price ticket displayed first.
👉🏼 Next steps
Next, you may want to set up your donation page.