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How to back up your nation

You can back up your nation by taking a snapshot of your entire database.

Updated over a month ago

How to take a snapshot

We recommend creating a snapshot before doing something dramatic, like a large import or deleting a lot of people. If you snapshot the database, we will have a fighting chance of restoring the info you might have deleted. Your nation's administrators can also download the snapshot to move your data out of NationBuilder.

An administrator can create and download a snapshot of your Postgres 16 (also known as PostgreSQL) database from Settings > Database > Snapshots.

Use the "Comment" text box to leave a note about the snapshot. 

Click Start database snapshot to begin your snapshot.

⚠️ The time it takes to complete the snapshot will depend on the size of your database. Larger nations will take more time to back up completely. Your data will not be fully backed up until the snapshot is complete. Therefore, avoid making changes to your nation after starting your snapshot as the changes will not be captured.

Once you begin your snapshot, "Requester" lists the user taking the snapshot, "File" either indicates where you are in the queue or lists the file size of a completed snapshot, "Comment" includes the note you make about the snapshot, "Requested" gives a timestamp of when you begin your snapshot, and "Finished" gives a timestamp of when your snapshot is completed.

If you want to delete a snapshot, click arrow to the far right side of the specific file and select delete.

What is backed up

  • All supporter, prospect, and non-supporter information (including notes)

  • All custom lists and tags

  • All activity stream information, including comments, tweets, Facebook post likes, and flags

  • All pages and page-types created

  • All event RSVPs and shifts

  • All paths and path related activity, including steps, actions, status changes, journeys and history

  • All page/user follows and follow-up settings

  • All donations, invoices, tracking codes, and merchant accounts

  • All data imports, legacy imports, and redirect pages

  • All text, voice, and email messages including broadcasters

Restoring your nation

⚠️ Please note: To successfully restore your snapshot locally, ensure you're updated to the latest version of Postgres.

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