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Filter categories

When you click on Add criteria when creating a filter, you are provided with a dropdown list of categories to find specific people.

Updated over a week ago

📌 Note: Custom fields and additional permission sets are available as add-ons. For more information on adding new features please see the add-ons page in your nation.

Global categories

When you click on Add criteria when creating a filter, you are provided with a dropdown list of categories. You can search for a field by typing in the box at the top or you can click through the categories to find specific criteria. Many of these categories are available in all nations, but some are feature specific, all are outlined below.

In the name category, you can search for a person by name - similar to how you would look someone up using quick search.

Tags allow you to type in comma-separated people tags. Once you start typing in the "choose tags" box, you'll see a dropdown menu of all of the people tags in your nation.

Similarly, lists allow you to type in comma-separated list names. Once you start typing in the "choose lists" box, you'll see a dropdown menu of all of the lists in your nation.

The personal category includes demographic information on people in your community, such as religion and marital status.

The relationships category allows you to search for people whom have specific relationships to other people or organizations in your nation. 

The consent response category is for nations using consent forms to gain people's opt in for communication, etc. This allows you to find all of the people who have consented yes/no/did not respond/responded. 

Paths includes fields related to any paths in use in your nation. You can search for all people on a specific path step, who have completed/abandoned a path, etc. 

Contact history includes fields related to how your nation contacts a person, from point person to whether someone needs follow up to the date of the last contact.

In email, you can search for things related to people's email address, including whether they're emailable and whether the address is bad or bouncing.

In email blasts, you can search for things related to people's engagement with your email blasts, such as whether they've opened or clicked links in any blast from a given broadcaster within a specified date range, or one or more specific blasts.

The address category relates to a person's physical address. You can search for people who live on a particular street, in a city, or whose address is within a certain distance from a postal code, city, or full address. You can also search all types of addresses - primary, home, work, mailing, billing, and registered addresses.

Within phone, you can search for a phone number and whether someone can be called or texted.

The ID category refers to all of the unique IDs you can attach to a person. You can search for a specific ID, exclude a specific ID, or include people who have that particular type of ID.

The social category refers to people's social media connections, including whether they have Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn info.

The activity category pulls from the types of activity a supporter can take, from RSVPing for an event to leaving a voicemail. You'll be able to search for whether a person has done a type of activity. For example, you can search for all of the people who have attended an event hosted by your organization. If you're looking for the list of attendees for a particular event, either search for the person tag you added to people who attended or go to the event page in your control panel and check Event settings > Attendees.

In the support level category, you can search for supporters, prospects, volunteers, members, and several other support and membership related fields.

The influence category includes searches related to social capital, the currency of your nation.

The origin category refers to how a person became part of your nation. This includes recruiter, which paged they joined from, or which import added them.

Additional feature categories

If you have enabled customer features in your nation, the customer history category will be visible. You can search for active customers, number of closed and outstanding invoices, and total amount invoiced. Only people with permission to view your nation's financial records will be able to search customer history.

If you have enabled donor features in your nation, the donation history category will be included. Individual donations can be searched through the Finances section of your control panel. The options included in people advanced search are either aggregate numbers – like the number of donations and total amount donated – or narrowing criteria – like a date range or tracking code to which donations were made. Only people with permission to view your nation's financial records will be able to search donor history. 

If you have enabled voter features in your nation, the voter and voting district categories will be visible. In the voter category, you can search for whether someone is an absentee voter, early voter, or active voter. You can also search their voting history and support probability. In the voting districts category, you can search within different voting districts from the federal to the local level. 

If you are using NationBuilder Enterprise and have custom fields enabled, the custom fields category will allow you to search in your custom people fields. 

All available filter criteria


  • Name (Contains, does not contains, starts with, end with)

  • First Name (Is, contains, does not contains, starts with, end with, exist)

  • Middle Name (Is, contains, does not contains, starts with, end with, exist)

  • Last Name (Is, contains, does not contains, starts with, end with, exist)

  • Prefix (Is, contains, does not contains, starts with, end with)

  • Suffix (Is, contains, does not contains, starts with, end with)


  • Tags (multiple) (with any, with all, with none)

  • Tag (single) (is, contains, start with, end with)

  • Has been tagged (has been tagged / has not been tagged)

  • Date tagged (tagged with | between, since, before, in the last)


  • List (is on all, is on any, is on none)


  • Date of Birth (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists)

  • Sex (is M,F,O | exists)

  • Household resident (is household resident, isn’t household resident)

  • Marital status (is, is not | civil union, divorced, married, domestic partner, separated, single, widow)

  • Deceased (is deceased, is not deceased)

  • Occupation (Is, contains, does not contains, starts with, end with)

  • Employer (Is, contains, does not contains, starts with, end with)

  • Language (Is any, is none, exists)

  • Availability (Contains, does not contain)

  • Bio (Contains, does not contain)

  • Background (Contains, does not contain)

  • Political party (Is any, is not, exists)

  • Inferred party (Is any, is not, exists)

  • Previous party (Is any, is not, exists)

  • Party member (Is party member, is not party member)

  • Digital will (Has digital will, has no will)


  • Password (Has a password, does not have a password)

  • Published on website (Profile is published on website, profile is not published on website)

  • Indexed on search engines (Profile is indexed on search engines, profile is not indexed on search engines)


  • Relationship type (Has, does not have | Types: alum, alum of, assistant to, assisted by, board member, board member of, candidate, candidate of, chapter, chapter of, child of, employee of, employer of, friend of, manager of, member, member of, mentee of, menter if, organization partner, parent company of, parent of, partner of, partner of, primary contact, primary contact of, reports to, resident, resident of, school of, sibling of, spouse of, student at, student of, subsidiary of, teacher of, treasurer, treasurer of)

  • Relationship to (with type) (Has relationship of type X with, does not have relationship of type X with | Types: alum, alum of, assistant to, assisted by, board member, board member of, candidate, candidate of, chapter, chapter of, child of, employee of, employer of, friend of, manager of, member, member of, mentee of, menter if, organization partner, parent company of, parent of, partner of, partner of, primary contact, primary contact of, reports to, resident, resident of, school of, sibling of, spouse of, student at, student of, subsidiary of, teacher of, treasurer, treasurer of)

  • Relationship to (Has relationship with, does not have relationship with)

  • Has relationship (Has relationship | Does not have relationship)

  • Title (Is, is not)


  • Consent response (Responded yes, responded no, did not respond, responded to consent X)


  • On path (is, is not on path X)

  • Completed path (has, has not completed path X | in the last, between, since, before | Days, weeks, months years)

  • Abandoned path (has, has not abandoned path X | in the last, between, since, before | Days, weeks, months years)

  • Started path (has, has not started path X | in the last, between, since, before | Days, weeks, months years)

  • Began step (has, has not began step X | in the last, between, since, before | Days, weeks, months years)

  • On step (is, is not on step X)

  • On any path (on any path, not on any path)

  • Path assigned to (on path X | assigned to X)

  • Step assigned to (on step X | assigned to X)

  • Expected completion date (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last, is within)

  • Current step due date (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last, is within)

  • Step is due today (step is due today, step is not due today)

  • Step is overdue (step is overdue, step is not overdue)

  • Completion reason (is, is not X)

  • Abandonment reason (is, is not X)

Contact history

  • Point person (Is, is not, exists)

  • Do not call (is do not call, is not do not call)

  • Do not contact (is do not contact, is not do not contact)

  • Contacted (has been contacted, has not been contacted)

  • Contacted (specific person) (Has contacted is X)

  • Contacted by (Contacted by is X)

  • Contact method (Contact method is X)

  • Contact status (Contact status is X)

  • Contacted on step (Contacted on step is X)

  • Contacted on date (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between)

  • Contacted on step (with date) ( Is, is not contacted | on step X | between, since, before, in the last)

  • Last contacted by (Last contacted by is X)

  • Last contact method (Last contact method is X)

  • Last contact status (Last contact status is X)

  • Last contacted on date (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last, is within)

  • Last contacted on step (Last contacted on step is X)

Customer history

  • Customer (is a customer, is not a customer)

  • Active customer (is active customer, is not active customer)

  • New customer (is new customer, is not new customer)

  • Invoices count (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists)

  • Closed invoices count (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists)

  • Outstanding invoices count (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists)

  • Invoices amount (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists)

  • Closed invoices amount (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists)

  • Outstanding invoices amount (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists)

  • First invoiced (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last)

  • Most recently invoiced (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last)

Donation history

  • Has donated (Has donated, has not donated)

  • Has pledged (Has pledged, has not pledged)

  • Fundraiser (Is fundraiser, is not fundraiser)

  • Donation fundraiser name (matches, contains, does not contain)

  • Total amount fundraised (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Total amount donated (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Total amount pledged (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Most recent amount donated (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Largest amount donated (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Individual donation amount (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Individual pledge amount (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Donation tracking code (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Pledge tracking code (Has, does not have, exists | X)

  • Donated from mailing (slug) (Is, is not, exists | slug)

  • Donated from page (slug) (Is, is not, exists | slug)

  • Pledged on page (slug) (Is, is not, exists | slug)

  • Election cycle (year) (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Election period (Is, is not, exists | X)

  • Donation date (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Pledge date (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Date of most recent donation (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Date of first donation (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Recurring donation status (Active, completed, canceled, pending, failed)


  • Currently enrolled in a specific automation (Is, is not)

  • Ever been enrolled in a specific automation (Has, has not)

  • Completed a specific automation (Has, has not)

  • Converted while in a specific automation (Has, has not)


  • Email address (Matches, contains, does not contain)

  • Has email address (Has an email address, Does not have an email address)

  • Emailable (Is emailable, is not emailable)

  • Bad email (Email is bad, email is not bad)

  • Bouncing email (Email is bouncing, email is not bouncing)

  • Email opted in (Email opted in, email did not opt in)

Email blast

  • Been sent an email blast from (Has, has not | Between, since, before, in the last)

  • Has been sent email blast from (any broadcaster) (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last)

  • Opened email blast from (Has, has not | Between, since, before, in the last)

  • Opened email blast from (any broadcaster) (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last)

  • Clicked email blast from (Has, has not | Between, since, before, in the last)

  • Clicked email blast from (any broadcaster) (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last)

  • Unsubscribed from emails from (Has, has not | Between, since, before, in the last)

  • Unsubscribed email blasts from (any broadcaster) (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last)

  • Email blasts opened (is any, is none, is all)

  • Email blasts clicked (is any, is none, is all)

  • Email blast sent (is any, is none, is all)

  • Email blasts unsubscribed (is any, is none, is all)


  • Address address1 (Primary address, home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address | Is, is not, contains, does not contains, exists, starts with, end with)

  • Address address2 (Primary address, home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address | Is, is not, contains, does not contains, exists, starts with, end with)

  • Address city (Primary address, home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address | Is, is not, contains, does not contains, exists, starts with, end with)

  • Address county (Primary address, home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address | Is, is not, contains, does not contains, exists, starts with, end with)

  • Address state (Primary address, home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address | Is any, is none, exists)

  • Has country (Has country, does not have country)

  • Address country (Primary address, home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address | Is any, is none, exists)

  • Address postcode (Primary address, home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address | Starts with, is contains, exists)

  • Address is mailable (Is mailable, is not mailable)

  • Address geocode accuracy (Primary address, home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address | Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greater than or equal, is between, exists | Country, state, zip, city, street, street address, manual override)

  • Address near (Primary address, home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address | miles, kilometers)

  • Primary address type (Is, is not | home address, work address, mailing address, billing address, registered address)


  • Any phone number (Is, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • Mobile phone number (Is, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • Home phone number (Is, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • Work phone number (Is, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • Callable (Is callable, is not callable)

  • Textable (Is textable, is not textable)

  • Mobile opt in status (Opted in, opted out, unspecified)

  • Mobile number is bad (Mobile number is bad, mobile number is not bad)


  • Is a voter (Is a voter, is not a voter)

  • Voting history ( Is voted, voted democratic ballot, voted republican ballot, absent voter, voted early, did not vote | in at least, exactly, no more than | X elections)

  • Absentee voter (Is an absentee voter, is not an absentee voter)

  • Permanent absentee voter (Is a permanent absentee voter, is not a permanent absentee voter)

  • Early voter (Is an early voter, is not an early voter)

  • Active voter (Is an active voter, is not an active voter)

  • Voter updated (is, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last, is within)

  • Number of general elections voted in (Greater than or equal to, less than or equal to)

  • Registration date (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between)

  • Support probability score (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists)

  • Turnout probability score (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists)


  • ​​NationBuilder ID (Person) (Is)

  • CiviCRM ID (Is, is not, exist)

  • County file ID (Is, is not, exist)

  • Catalist ID (Is, is not, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exist)

  • External ID (Is, is not, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exist)

  • NGP ID (Person) (Is, is not, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exist)

  • PoliticalFORCE ID (Is, is not, exist)

  • RNC ID (Is, is not, exist)

  • RNC Registration ID (Is, is not, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • Salesforce ID (Is, is not, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • State file ID (Is, is not, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • VAN ID (Is, is not, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • Voter GUID (Is, is not, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exists)


  • NationBuilder username (Is, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • Twitter ID (Is, is not, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exists)

  • Twitter login (Matches, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with)

  • Has Twitter info (Has Twitter info, Has no Twitter info)

  • Is dm-able on Twitter (Is dm-able on Twitter, is not dm-able on Twitter)

  • Twitter follower (Is Twitter follower , is not Twitter follower)

  • Facebook username (Contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with)

  • Has Facebook info (Has Facebook info, does not have Facebook info)

  • Is contactable on Facebook (Is contactable on Facebook, is not contactable on Facebook)

  • Interacted with Facebook page (has interacted with Facebook page, has not interacted with Facebook page)

  • Following broadcaster (Is, is not | X)

  • Linkedin profile (Has Linkedin profile, does not have Linkedin profile)


  • Has rsvped (specific event) (Is, is not | X)

  • Has hosted (specific event) (Is, is not | X)

  • Has rsvped (Has rsvped, has not rsvped)

  • Has hosted (Has hosted, has not hosted)

  • Has attended (Has attended, has not attended)

  • Has attended (specific event) (Is, is not | X)

  • Has endorsed (Has endorsed, has not endorsed)

  • Has signed petition (Has signed, has not signed)

  • Petitions (Is on any, is on all, is on none | X petitions)

  • Has signed (specific petition) (Is, is not | X)

  • Has commented (Has commented, has not commented)

  • Has emailed (Has emailed, has not emailed)

  • Has called (Has called, has not called)

  • Has texted (Has texted, has not texted)

  • Has left voicemail (Has left voicemail, has not left voicemail)

  • Date of Twitter interaction (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last)

  • Has interacted with any broadcaster on Twitter (Has interacted with any broadcaster on Twitter, has notinteracted with any broadcaster on Twitter)

  • Has retweeted (Has retweeted, has not retweeted)

  • Number of twitter interactions (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • Number of retweets (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • User generated content amount (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • Counts/dates of broadcaster retweet (Broadcaster X | at least, at most, exactly X times | between, since, before, in the last | days, months, years)

  • Counts/dates of broadcaster mention (Broadcaster X | at least, at most, exactly X times | between, since, before, in the last | days, months, years)

  • Took an action on a page ( page X | between, since, before, in the last | days, months, years)

Support level

  • Control panel user (Is control panel user, is not control panel user)

  • Became supporter (is, is not, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last)

  • Supporter (Is supporter, is not supporter)

  • Prospect (Is prospect, is not prospect)

  • Support level (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • Inferred support level (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • Could vote status (Yes, maybe, no)

  • Volunteer (Is volunteer, is not volunteer)

  • Membership with status (is, is not X | active, canceled, grace period, expired)

  • Membership started (is X | between, since, before, in the last)

  • Membership expires (is X | between, since, before, in the last)

  • Member (is member, is not member)

  • Membership status (is, is not | active, canceled, grace period, expired)

  • Membership (is, is not)

  • Membership expires (any) (is, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists, is in the last, in the next, is within)

  • Membership started (any) (is, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, exists, is in the last, in the next, is within)

  • Membership lapsed (is a lapsed member, is not a lapsed member)

  • Violated rule (Is rule violator, is not rule violator)

  • Warned (Has been warned, has not been warned)

  • Banned (Is banned, is not banned)

  • Priority level (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists | 1- Low, 2, 3, 4, 5 - High)


  • Number of Twitter followers (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • Social capital points (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • Social capital earned (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • Social capital spent (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • Is a recruiter (Is a recruiter, is not a recruiter)

  • Recruits count (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists)

  • Social capital earned over time (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists | between, since, before, in the last | Days, weeks, months)

  • Social capital spent over time (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between, exists | between, since, before, in the last | Days, weeks, months)


  • Recruiter (Is, is not, exists)

  • Joined from page (Joined from page, did not join from page)

  • Join from page (specific page) (Is, is not, does not contain, starts with, end with)

  • Potential duplicate (Is potential duplicate, is not potential duplicate)

  • Added by (person) (Is, is not)

  • Created at (is, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last, is within)

  • Updated at (is, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last, is within)

  • Imported (Is originated from import, is not originated from import)

  • Imported (specific file) (Is X)

  • Last login at (is, before, is before or on, after, is after or on, is between, is in the last, not in the last, is within)

Custom fields

  • Text field (Is, is not, exist)

  • Number field (Is, is not, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greeted than or equal to, is between)

  • Checkbox field (is X, is not X)

  • Multiple choice (Is, is not, exist)

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