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Frequently asked questions about NationBuilder.
30 articles
NationBuilder theme documentation
Pricing FAQs
What is a slug?
Why can’t I change my nation slug?
How can I reset my password?
How do I add people to my nation?
How do I cancel my trial/account?
How do I upgrade or downgrade my plan and change payment frequency?
Where can I find out what's new or been updated/fixed in NationBuilder?
Integrating with Double the Donation
Understanding reCAPTCHA
How do I change which page is my home page?
What is the file upload size limit?
How can I make a page jump using an anchor?
How do I see the responses of a contact page?
What fields can I write to from a signup form?
How do I add a tracking pixel to my site?
How do I implement double opt-in in my Nation?
How can I change the order of my tickets on an event page?
How do I set a maximum for number of tickets purchased?
How to embed a widget or image between content text in a page or email blast
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